Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Givin' it the ol' college try...

Ok, ok, so I'm definitely a slacker when it comes to this blog. I promise I just need a new computer (donations, please) because my lovely Iphone just ain't cuttin it. After 9+ hours of doing hair and make-up, my little fingers are just too warn out to type on that little keypad. Sooo, bare with me, it'll get better, and updates will become more often.

This has been a difficult summer for me. Two of the greatest people on earth passed away...My Grandmother and Michael Jackson. Hell, I wasn't even over grieving Michael when I found out my grandmother was dying. But the more I mourn the more I realize this IS all apart of this wonderful thing called LIFE. Everything runs its full circle.

On a much higher note, I have been getting back into my artwork again, and *drumroll* GOT INTO MY FIRST ARTSHOW here in Santa Barbara. (Well, Carpinteria, actually). The 855 Gallery on Linden, to be exact. The exhibit will continue til Sept. 14th, so please check it out! I'm super excited, and definitely planning to do more! I will have pictures and a complete review off the gallery soon. In the meantime, play some Michael for me and enjoy your life. :o)

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